VPCI has about 95 STAFF QUARTERS in near by areA like Maurice Nagar, Probyn Road and Dhaka. The type wies details are given below:
Director Bungalow - 1 (inside the Institute)
Details of VPCI Staff Quarters
Type of Flats | Maurice Nagar | Dhaka | Probyn Road | Total |
Type V | 4 | Nil | Nill | 4 |
Type IV | 4 | 12 | Nill | 16 |
Type III | 4 | 12 | 4 | 20 |
Type II | Nill | 24 | 12 | 36 |
Type I | 18 | Nill | Nill | 18 |
Total | 30 | 48 | 16 | 95 |
a) Salary for purposes of determining eligibility for a class of residence shall include Basic pay and Non-Practicing Allowance only.
b) Emoluments for purposes of recovery of rent shall include:-
i) Pay.
ii) Payments from general revenues and fees, if such payments of fees are receipt in the shape of a fixed addition to monthly pay and allowance as part of the authorized remuneration of a post.
iii) Compensatory allowances other than travelling allowance, uniform allowance, clothing allowance, outfit allowance, special outfit allowance, uniform grant.
iv) Pension.
v) In the case of a University servant under suspension and in receipt of a subsistence grant, the amount of the subsistence grant, the amount provided that of such University Servant is subsequently allowed to draw pay for the period of suspension the difference between the rent recovered on the basis of the subsistence grant and the emoluments ultimately drawn shall be recovered from him.
vi) Family for purposes of these rules shall include only wife, husband, children, parents, brothers and sisters residing with an employee.
2. Save as otherwise provided by these rules, an employee will be eligible for allotment of a residence of the type as shown in schedule-I.
3. The standard license fee for each class of accommodation is given in schedule- II.
4. The allotment of accommodation shall ordinarily be made only to permanent and whole-time members of the university staff.
5. i) No University accommodation shall be allotted to an employee of the University owing a house within a radius of 10 kms. (Crow’s flight) from the University.
ii) The employees owing houses beyond 10 Kms. would be eligible for allotment of University accommodation subject to the following conditions
Slab of rent from the owned house
Rate for licence fees to charged
Rate of licance fees to be charged from officers provided font free accommodation.
i) If the income from own house does not exceed Rs. 3,000/- p.m.
Standard licence/ pooled licence fees under FR.1.5.A or 10% of emoluments, whichever is less.
ii) If the income from own house exceeds Rs. 3,000/- p.m. but does not exceed Rs. 5000/-p.m
Twice the standard licence/twice the pooled licence fee unior FR-45-A or 20% of emoluments, whichever is loss.
Twice the standard licence/twice the pooled licence fee under RR-45A or 20% of the emoluments whichever is less reduced by 10% of the emoluments.
iii) If the income exceeds Rs. 5,000/-p.m.
Thrice the stand licence/ thrice the pooled licence fee under Fr-45-A or 30% or emoluments, whichever is less
Therico the standard licence/thrice the pooled licence fee under FR-45-A or 30% of the emoluments whichever is less reduced by 10% of the emoluments.
The income from the house will mean the rent received by the owner from the house where the house has been given on lease. Where the house has not been given on lease, the income will mean rent which is taken into account by the municipal bodies for the purpose of determining house tax etc. In case the employee has only a share in a Hindi undivided family or in a joint property and the employees share is not a separate unit, the income for the purpose may be taken to be the proportionate share of the employee, his/her spouse and dependent children in the total income of the whole property The following documents would be required to see the correct- ness of the income of an employee from his house:-
a) Where the house has been given on lease, the lease Deed.
b) House Tax receipt in original where the house has not been given on lease (income in this case will mean the rent which is taken into account by the Municipal bodies for the purpose of determining house tax).
c) A certificate to the affect that the documents produced by him/her relate to all the houses owned by him/her or by his/her wife husband or by his/her dependent children.
d) A certificate and an undertaking to the effect that he/she will be responsible to intimate where there is an increase in the rent, he/she resolves from his/her private house employees owing houses within a radious of 10 Kms. from the University and who are already in accommodation would continue to occupy the accommodation already allotted to them. They would however, not be eligible for better/higher type of accommodation.
6.In the allotment of accommodation.
i) Person under Cat. I whose presence on the University campus is essential for the efficient management and supervision of University work and buildings will have preference over others Schedule- III.
ii) Persons under Cat. II * campus in not essential but in order to attract capable parsons they have to be given housing facilities. Schedule-IV
iii) Medical & Para Medical staff under Cat. III Schedule-V a list of Essential Service is given on pages 11 these rules.
1) Notwithstanding anything contained, expressly or impliedly in these rules, the University may permit such number of barbers and washer men as it may select and approve the use of specified University premises for their work and/or their residence, provided:-
a) That such barbers and washer men have given an undertaking in writing to the University that they would render their services as barbers and washer man to the members of the University community residing in the University Campus in preference to rendering such services to others.
b) That such barbers and washer men as are allowed the use of the premises may be restricted to the use of promises for their work only of for their residence only, and that in special cases they may be permitted the use of the premises both for residence and work.
c) That such barbers and washer men, allowed the use of the premises as aforesaid, shall be granted nothing more than a licence to do so, and shall be deemed to be licence/s. only and not tenats of the University.
d) That such barber. and washer men, shall pay such licence fee as may be proscribed by the University from time to time.
e) That the University shall in every cases reserve the right to enter upon the premises at such times as it deems proper for inspection, repairs and others purposes as it may think proper and without prior notice.
f) That the University shall have the right of terminating the licence and resuming the premises without notice, whenever it likes and without assigning any reason/s Whatsoever.
g) That the University shall resume the premises whenever the barbers and washer men to whom the use of premises are granted as aforesaid have cases to perform their services for whatever cause.
2) The University may determine the number of barbers and washermen to whom University premises may be granted on licence/as aforesaid.
3) The University shall frame rules for the proper use of the premises to be granted on licence as aforesaid and shall get an undertaking in writing from the licence before he enters upon the premise to observe strictly.
Such barbers and washer men as are selected for the grant of licence as aforesaid shall be regarded as necessary for rendering essential services to the University and its members residing the University Campus and maybe granted the use of University premises as licence comis only but in such priority as the University deems proper.
7) Deleted.
8) The allotment of residences saver as provided under rule 6, will be made on the basis of a priority list which will be drawn and maintained by office on the basis of the date from which the employee enters into a particular block on the basis of basic pay drawn & not from the dated of his initial appointment. (A.A.C, 23-11-1994).
“The priority list be prepared on Ist July each year on the basis of seniority in service in the respective blocks on that day. The list should hold good for full year and allotments, made strictly in order of priority contained in the list. No change in the list be made on account of increments/promotion/ fixation of pay earned by an employee during the year for the purpose of entering the next higher block”
Provided that for Type-V accommodation, the date of entry into qualifying block would be the date of eligibility and that the persons who are otherwise initially entitled for Type-V accommodation would also be eligible for type IV accommodation and their seniority for lower type of accommodation be taken into account form the date of their appointment.
Provided that the names of employees who are initially eligible for type-IV accommodation may also be borne on the priority list for type-III accommodation.
Provided further that where the priority date of two or more employees is the same. Seniority among them shall be determined by the amount of emoluments, the employee in receipt of higher emoluments taking precedence over the employee in receipt of lower emoluments and where the length of service and employments are equal, by seniority in ago.
a) Separate list be drawn for teaching and non-teaching staff with their dates of eligibility (which will be the date of their appointments as proposed in the proposed revise allotment rules) for type-III accommodation and allotment of the same be made at the ratio of 2:1 (i.e.2 to the teaching and 1 to the non-teaching staff ) in order that the first two houses falling vacant would go to teachers, then third to non-teaching and so on. (L.C.-
b) Provided further that the name of the employee shall not be deleted from the list for the lowe categories of accommodation so long as he does not get some accommodation in the higher category to which he may become untitled later on.(E.C.- 16.06.1981).
9.) An employee to whom a residence has been allotted shall convey his acceptance of the allotment within ten days of the receipt of the order of allotment, If an allot fails to accept the accommodation as above, the allotment made shall be cancelled.
10) The allotment shall be effective from the date of occupation by an allottee or from the 11th day of the receipt of the order of allotment whichever is earlier and shall continue as such unless it is cancelled or surrendered by allottee.
“In case an employee fails to hand over the vacant possession of the accommodation already allotted to him, on occupying of higher type of accommodation on allotment or same type of accommodation on change, he shall be charged penal licence fee @ 10 tomes of the usual licence fee of the lower type of accommodation in addition the normal rent for higher /same type of accommodation. In addition to the above, he will be liable to be evicted from the newly allotted accommodation or cancellation of the previously occupied accommodation by him or both.
11) An allotment shall be treated as cancelled in the circumstances mentioned below and may be cancelled by the Vice-Chancellor in the circumstances here-in-after specified:-
a) When an allottee has ceased to be in the service of the University.
b) When an allottee has taken leave for a period exceeding twelve months.
Provided that a member of the staff who goes on leave for a period exceeding 12 month may be permitted by the Vice-Chancellor to retain the residence for the use of his/her wife/husband , children, parents, brothers or sisters residing with him/her and wholly dependent upon him/her. Provided, further that an accommodation may be permitted to be retained in the following cases subject to the maximum periods noted against each:-
Normal Extension which could
Period Be permitted in exceptional circumstances
1 | Termination of Service | 3 months | 3 months |
2 | Retirement form Service | 3 months | 3 months |
3 | In the even of death | 3 months | 3 months |
4 | Deputation with Govt. or Foreign Service or Exira- Ordinary Leave (Leave & lion) | Period of leave granted by the Executive council. | 3 + 3 months |
The retention of accommodation by an allottee beyond the permitted period as specified above would be considered to be unauthorized and he would be liable to be evicted from the premises. In addition, in such an event, how would also be liable to pay penal rent at 10 times the usual standard licence fee of the accommodation which (penal rent ) would be enhanced to 20 times if the accommodation is retained beyond a period of 12 months after the Expiry of the permitted pored as specified above. (E.C. dated 25.12.1983).
In case the dependents of allottee also go with the allottee, accommodation may be surrendered to the University but in that case the allottee be provided the first available quarters of equivalent type immediately on his return.
11. (1) If a wife or husband, as the case may be, who is an allottee of a residence under these rules is subsequently allotted a residential accommodation at the same station from a pool to which these rules do not apply she or he, as the case may be shall surrender any one of the residences within one month of such allotment,
Provided that this clause shall not apply where the husband and wife are residing separately in pursuance of an order of judicial separation made by any court.
(2) Where two officers, in occupation of separate residences at the same station, are allotted under these rules and another from a pool to which these rules do not apply marry each other, any one of them shall surrender as required any one of the residence within one month of such marriage.
Provided further that if the accommodation is not surrendered as required under clause (1) or clause (2), the allotment of the residence shall be deemed to have been cancelled on the expiry of such period.*(E.C> dated 18.06.1981.)
The liability for payment regarding the flats/house any shall commence that the date of taking charge of the residence or as laid down in rule 10 whichever is earlier.
12. Any member of the staff already in residence of a house other than to which he is eligible, may, whenever vacancy arises, be allotted the class of accommodation to which he is elegible.
If an employee who has been allotted the class of accommodation to which he is eligible, does not accept the allotment, shall not be eligible for fresh allotment for a period of Six months and for such period that he continues to occupy the other residence, shall be liable to pay standard rent for the residence in his possession. If an employee occupying a lower type residence is allotted or offered residence of the type for which he is eligible or for which he has applied he may, on refusal of the said allotment for officer of allotment, be permitted to contuse in the previously allotted residence on the conditions that while retaining the existing residence he shall be charged the same rent which he would have had to pay in respect of the residence so allotted or offered or the rent payable in respect of the residence already in his occupation whichever is higher.
13. In case there is no member of the staff eligible for the allotment of an accommodation which is available for allotment, temporary allotment of the class of accommodation may be made to member of the next higher or lower category.
14. Every person to whom accommodation has been allotted shall maintain the allotted premises a clean and sanitary condition to he satisfaction of the University, Municipal and Health Authorities.
15. The allottee shall be responsible for any damage beyond fair wear and tear of all fitting and fixtures provided in the allotted premises, during the period fro which the presence has and remains allotted to him/her.
16 (i)a. The allottee shall not, without the permission of the Vice-Chancellor in writing :-
(a) Share a part (not more than half ) of the allotted accommodation with or without consideration of rent except with a University employees
Further, recommended that permission of sharing University accommodation with the willing employees of the University may be extended to the employees the University maintained Institution and Halls as well as that of Agricultural Economic Research Centre Provided that such Institutions as had their own residential accommodation were willing to allow the University employees on reciprocal basis. (A.A.C. dated 25-04-1977 & E.C. Rese. No. 254 Dated 16.06.1977.
In case a person sublets/shares a part of his allotted accommodation with another employee of the University without obtaining prior written permission of the university the allotment of University accommodation to him shall stand cancelled automatically without any notice, the allottee shall be evicted forthwith and that the licence fee for the period of unauthorized occupation of the University accommodation shall be charged in accordance with the provision of close 11(b) of the Allotment Rules.
In addition, violation or this rule by any employee shall constitute misconduct on the part of the employee concerned and would invoke such disciplinary action as may be necessary against him/her as provided in the service rules.
Whenever such a violation is detected and established, a communication in in this regard shall be sent by the Estate Officer Assistant Registrar (Estate) to the disciplinary authority of the employee concerned for further action as stated above.(E.C. DATED 19-03-1988).
c) Construct temporary or unauthorized structures in any part of the allotted promises.
d) Use the allotted promises or part thereof for purposes other then for which they are meant.
e) Make unauthorized extensions from electric, water connections or tamper with them.
2) Where action to cancel the allotment is taken on account of unauthorized subletting of the premises by the allottee, a period of sixty days shall be allowed to the allottee, and any other person residing with him therein to vacant the premises. The allotment shall be cancelled with effect from the date. Off vacation of the prisoner expiry of the period of sixty days from the date of the orders for the cancellation of the allotment, whichever is earlier.
3) Where the allotment of a residence is cancelled for a conduct prejudicial to the maintenance of harmonious relations with neighbors, the officer at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor, may be allotted another residence in the same class at any other place. ‘
4) The Vice-Chancellor shall be competent to take all or any of the actions and also to declare the officer, who commits a Brach of the rules and instructions issued to him to be ineligible for allotment of residential accommodation for a period not exceeding three years.
18. The allotteee shall not use the promises allotted to him in a manner so as to be a source of annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.
19. Every allotted shall at all reasonable times, permit any officer of the University or employees of the Maintenance Engineering or Medical and Health Department to enter upon the allotted premises for inspection etc.
20. If any person to whom a residence has been allotted commits breach of any of these Rules, or uses or permits the residence or premises to be used for any purposes which the Vice-Chancellor considers to be improper, the Vice-Chancellor may
a) Require him/her to vacate the premises and
b) Declare him/her ineligible for University accommodation for a period as may be specified in each case.
21. An allottee shall on occupation or vacation of the residence, sign an inventory of fittings and/or furniture in the residence. Such an inventory shall be prepared by the University Engineer and signed by the University Engineer on behalf or the University.
22.Rent shall be charged and deducted at source at the rates given in schedule VI.
a) Emoluments last drawn.
b) Emoluments last drawn for three months and standard licence fee thereafter.
c) Emoluments while in Foreign Service or on deputation, while on study leave emoluments drawn immediately before proceeding on study leave.
23. If any question as to the interpretation of these Rules arises the decision of the Vice-Chancellor shall be final.
24.The Vice-Chancellor shall be the final authority for allotment of residences. He may, however, refer to the Allotment Advisory Committee for advice, application for:-
Out of turn allotment
Cases Where different interests and viewpoints are involved.
25. The Allotment Advisory Committee shall be constituted as follows:-
1. The Vice-Chancellor.
2. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor.
3. The Dean, Faculty of Arts.
4. The Dean, Faculty of Social Science.
5. The Dean, Faculty of Science.
6. E.C. nominated members = two
7.The Dean, Faculty of Law, and four persons to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor teachers and two of whom shall be from amongst the teachers and two from amongst non-academic staff of the University. (The tenure of the nominated members shall be 2 years).
26. The Vice-Chancellor may delegate any of the powers vested in him under these Rules, to any officer subordinate to him subject to such conditions as he may deem fit to impose.
Type-I | Basic pay up to Rs. 1259/- |
Type-II | Basic pay Rs. 1260/- to Rs. 2199/- |
Type-III | Basic pay Rs. 2200/- to Rs.3949/- |
Type-IV | Basic pay Rs. 3950/- to Rs. 4499/- |
Type-V | Basic pay Rs. 4500/- and above |
(E.C. dated 22.1.1991).
NOTE: The Vice-Chancellor ‘s Bungalow is not included in the above list as this is not meant for allotment to others than the Vice-Chancellor who gets this Bungalow by virtue of his office.
Bungalows/Quarters in Maurice Nagar & As given in schedule-VI
Release Lines /Flats on Probyn Road given 1 schedule-VI
(Chatter Marg)/Four roomed noose-in
Cavalry Lines / New quarter in Gas Plant/Flats
at W.E.F. Karol Bagh. 8, Cavalry Lines,
c-14, Maurice Nagar.
1. The Finance Officer
2. The Internal Audit Officer
3. The University Engineer
1. The proctor
2. The Controller of Examinations
3. The Librarian
4. P.S. to the Vice-Chancellor
5. Vetetarian or someone who is looking after the animals in the Department of Zoology.
6. S.P.A. or P.A. to the Vice-Chancellor,
7. P.S. or S.P.A. to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor,
8. P.S. or S.P.A. to the Director, South Delhi Campus
9. P.S. or S.P.A. to the Dean of Colleges
10. P.A. or S.P.A. to the Registrar
11. P.A. or S.P.A. to the Controller of Examinations
12. Security Officer or one of the Assistant. Security Officers
13. Staff Car Driver attached to Vice-Chancellor
14. Staff Car Driver attached to Pro-Vice Chancellor
15. Staff Car Driver attached to Director, S.D.C.
16. Staff Car Driver attached to Dean of colleges
17. Staff Car Driver attached to Registrar
18. One of the Dispatch Riders
19. Assistant Engineer (Elect.)
20. Wireman - One
21. Plumber - One
22. Sewer man - One
23. Khalasi - One
24. Manager/Incharge, Delhi University press
25. Senior Officer of the U.S.I.C.
26. One of the Officers of Delhi Sports Council - One
27. Assistatn Director, Male, D.U.S.C. and the Assistant. Director (F) DUSC.mBesides these, any other category of post may be included by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Allotment Advisory Committee, from time to time.
1. The Chief Medical Officer, (W.U.S. Health Center)
2. Medical Officers (2) -do
3. X-Ray Technician -do-
4. Nurse - one -do-
5. Ward Boy - one -do-
6. Pharmacist - one -do-
7. Ambulance Driver -do-
The Committee also recommended that when an accommodation is allotted the employee /under Essential Services on the basis of utility of his service i.e. medical care, maintenance of building etc. this should be notified to all the allotteess of the University accommodations in the Campus so that these residents could make use of their presence on the campus other than officer hours.
It be made very clear to the persons getting residential accommodations under Essential Services that hence forth the accommodation allotted to them under this category will hold good only for such time as they hold on office or post coming under the Essential Service and that as soon as they cease to hold that office or post, they would automatically be required to vacate the residential accommodation provided.
(E.C. 22.1.1991).