
Officer-in-Charge: Dr. Anuradha Choudhary, Director Professor




Dr. Anuradha Chowdhary, Professor, Department of Medical Mycology, Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi, Delhi is actively engaged in research and post-graduate teaching in Medical Mycology since 2001. She has over 150 publications in peer reviewed International and National journals. She is a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology, Infectious Diseases Society of America, Royal College of Pathologists, European Confederation of Medical Mycology. Currently working on molecular ecology of pathogenic fungi and epidemiology of systemic mycoses especially on Candida auris, multidrug resistant non albicans Candida species, dermatophytosis, cryptococcosis, aspergillosis and histoplasmosis through various sponsored research projects. These projects are funded by ICMR, DST and DBT, Govt. of India. She has reported for the first-time multi-azole resistant clinical isolates of Aspergillus fumigatus in India and new colonal strains of multi-drug resistant Candida auris in India. Her laboratory is actively working on multi drug resistance in C auris,  azole resistance in C. glabrata and C. parapsilosis highlighting mechanism of azole and echinocandin resistance. Currently, her team is also exploring terbinafine resistance in Trichophyton spp. Her laboratory has generated comprehensive data on molecular types and antifungal susceptibility profiles of indigenous fungal isolates such as C. neoformans, C. gattii, Aspergillus spp., Schizophyllum commune and Mucorales. Also, her team has highlighted the clinical significance of non-sporulating fungi especially basidiomycetes in patients of respiratory diseases. and she has also attended many International Conferences to present her research work.




1.  M.B.B.S., Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi (University of Delhi) (1991)


2.   M.D. (Microbiology), Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi (University of Delhi) (1996)


3.   Ph.D. (Medical Sciences), Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (2012)




Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, USA, Aug 2003-July 2004, BOYSCAST Fellowship, by Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India.


Department of Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, July-Sept., 2009, ICMR International Fellowship.


Medical Mycology, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Netherlands, March 2011.


Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, March-May 2011 and April-May 2012.


European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, (ECCMID) Fellowship, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, April 2013.


Elected fellowship to Professional Societies




Elected Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology (FAAM)


Elected Fellow, European Confederation of Medical Mycology (FECMM)


Elected Fellow, Royal College of Pathologists, London, UK, (FRCPath)


Elected Fellow, Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)



Editorial Board of Scientific journals


S. No.

Editor/Editorial Board

Journal (Society)

Year (Impact factor)



PLOS Pathogens, (Pearls Editor)





FEMS Pathogens & Disease


(IF 2.335)


Specialty Chief Editor for Fungal Pathogenesis

Frontiers in Cellular & Infection Microbiology


(IF 3.520)


Member, Editorial board

Journal of Clinical Microbiology (American Society of Microbiology, ASM)


(IF 4.232)


Section Editor

Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance


(IF 2.022)



mBio (American Society of Microbiology, ASM)


(IF 6.975)



Medical Mycology (International Society of Human & Animal Mycology)


(IF 2.8)


Member, Editorial Board

Journal of Hospital Infection (Healthcare Infection Society, UK)


(IF 3.126)


Academic Editor



(IF 2.89)


Deputy Editor

Mycoses (European confederation of Medical Mycology)


(IF, 2.8)


Assistant Editor

Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology



Member, Editorial board

Indian Journal of Chest Diseases and Allied Sciences


(IF 0.376)



Selected Panel/Advisory Committee


S. No.


Scientific Committee



WHO Consultant Fungi

To develop Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance program for Candida surveillance

Nov-Feb 2018-19


Faculty, Scientific Advisory Committee

20th International Society of Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM), Amsterdam. 30June-4 July.




Faculty, International Scientific Advisory Committee

8th Advances Against Aspergillosis, Lisbon, Portugal,1-3 Feb.



Expert, Working group on azole resistance in Aspergillus

International Society of Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM)




Board of Asia Pacific Society of Medical Mycology



Faculty, International Scientific Advisory Board

9th International Conference on Cryptococcus and Cryptococcosis, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 15-19 May.



Expert Member

International Expert Opinion on the management of Azole resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus, (Drug Res Update. 2015; 21-22: 30-40)



Expert, for  Development of Global Report on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

World Health Organisation (WHO)



Member, Panel of Experts for development of joint guidelines, on Diagnosis and Management of Emerging Fungal Disease

European Society Of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) and European Confederation Of Medical Mycology (ECMM)








Awards and honours


S. No.


Awarding Body



Dr Y. S. Narayana Rao Oration Award for sustained research in Microbiology

Indian Council Of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi



Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Travel Award for ASM Microbe, New Orleans, USA.

American Society of Microbiology



Research Fellowship for training in Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

European Society of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Disease  (ESCMID)



International Fellowship for research project in the Department of Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

ICMR, New Delhi



George McCracken Infectious Disease fellowship for 44th InterScience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy Washington, DC, USA

American Society of Microbiology



BOYCAST Fellowship for research, Mycotic Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, USA

Department of Science & Technology (DST) New Delhi



Women Achiever Award in Health Care

AMITY University, Uttar Pradesh, India



Invited/Plenary Speaker in International Conferences in last five years

S. No.

Title of Invited /Plenary Lecture



Meet the Expert: Candida auris: Epidemiology, Clinical features and management

ASM Microbe, 2019, June 20-24, San Francisco, USA


Plenary Speaker: The emerging problem of untreatable severe superficial dermatophytosis due to emerging resistance in India.

14th Annual fungal Update, 15-16th March, 2019, Westminster, London


Plenary Speaker: Management challenges in India.

14th Annual fungal Update, 15-16th March, 2019, Westminster, London


New Insights in epidemiology of Aspergillus fumigatus

Continued Antifungal Research & Education, Vienna, Austria, 27-28 Oct, 2018


Changing epidemiology of nosocomial fungal infections

17th Asia Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection cum8th International Infection Control Conference, 30-August-2 Sept, 2018, HONG KONG


Keynote Speaker:  Fungal human pathogens: from obscure significance to impending disasters

11th International Mycological Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 16-21 July, 2018.


Identification and antifungal susceptibility of Candida auris

20th Congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM) RAI Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 30 Jun3-4th July, 2018


Global epidemiology of azole resistance in Aspergillus

8th Advances Against Aspergillosis, Lisbon, Portugal, 1-3 Feb, 2018.


Candida auris: An emerging fungal pathogen”

8th Trends in Medical Mycology (TIMM-8), Belgrade, Serbia, 6-9 Oct, 2017.


Candida auris: an emerging global infectious threat

Annual Meeting of the Dutch Society for Microbiology Papendal, Netherlands, 11-12 April, 2017.


Epidemiology of azole resistance in Aspergillus

2nd Duden Conference / 1st ISHAM/ European Confederation of Medical Mycology ARS working group meeting Nijmegen, Netherlands, 20-21 Jan, 2017


Chair of the plenary session: Fungal burden in Asia.

6th Asia Pacific Society of Medical Mycology Conference, Bali, Indonesia 21-24 Oct, 2016.


Molecular characterization and antifungal susceptibility profile of black fungi in diverse clinical entities in India”

6th Meeting of the ISHAM Working Group Black Yeasts and Relatives Viterbo, Italy, 15-17 Sept., 2016.


Emerging filamentous basidiomycetes

First ISHAM Gilead, FORUM on Fungal Infections in the Middle East, Dubai 22-23 April, 2016.


Clinically significant cryptic Aspergillus species in India

7th Advances Against Aspergillosis, Manchester, United Kingdom 22-23 April, 2016.


Plenary lecture, Emergence and spread of azole resistance.

Transdisciplinary ECMM Antifungal Stewardship Workshop, Wesel, Germany, 27-29 Jan., 2016.



Azole resistant Aspergillus in Asia and Africa

7th Trends in Medical Mycology (TIMM), Lisbon, Portugal, 9-12 Oct, 2015.


Invited lecture and Chair: Emerging filamentous basidiomycetes: allergic and invasive fungi

ICAAC/ICC, San Diego, California, USA, 18-21 Sept., 2015.


Phaeohyphomycosis due to Cladophialophorabantianain India: an update

19th International Society of Human & Animal Mycology (ISHAM)Melbourne, Australia, 4-8 May, 2015.


Taxanomy of Mucorales: Any changes?

3rd International Forum on Zygomycosis Marathon, Attica, Greece, 19-21 Sept., 2014.


Cryptococcosis in Asia

9th International Conference on Cryptococcus and Cryptococcosis Amsterdam, Netherlands, 15-19 May, 2014.


Emergence of azole resistance TR46 in the environment of India

6th Advances Against Aspergillosis, Madrid, Spain, 27 Feb.-1 March, 2014.


Upcoming ESCMID and ECMM joint clinical guidelines for phaeohyphomycosis

6th Trends in Medical Mycology, Copenhagen, Denmark11-14 Oct. 2013.


Multidisciplinary approach with sterile fungi delivered at the Future of Barcoding: getting closer or drifting further away from clinical practice?

ISHAM working group Medical Barcoding. CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre Utrecht, Netherlands. 12-13April, 2013


Drug resistant fungal infections

Global Health and Disease Treatment: Infectious Diseases, Canada-India Research Centre of Excellence, University of Toronto, Canada, 5-6 Jan., 2012


International Workshop/Course Faculty/Organizer

·      ESCMID Postgraduate Education course, “Antifungal resistance in Candida & Aspergillus from Clinic to Clinical Laboratory” Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi, India, 19-21 September, 2018. Organizing Secretary

·      2nd Duden Conference / 1st International Society of Human & Animal Mycology (ISHAM)/ European Confederation of Medical Mycology ARS working group meeting, 20-21 Jan., 2017, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Organizing Committee member.

·      The 6th Meeting of the ISHAM Working Group Black Yeasts and Relatives, Viterbo, Italy, 15-17th Sept., 2016. Course Faculty.

·      Transdisciplinary European Confederation of Medical Mycology Workshop on Antifungal Stewardship, 27-29 January, 2016 Duden, Wesel, Germany. Course Faculty

·      Medical Mycology Course, University of Leuven, Belgium, 7-17 Sept, 2015. Course Faculty 

·      ESCMID Postgraduate Education course, “Diagnosis and Management of Fungal Infections both in the East and the West”, Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi, India, 19-21 March 2015. Organizing Secretary

·      European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM) Educational Course on Emerging yeast infections, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 15, 2014. Course Faculty.

·      India/Canada–Centre for Innovative Multidisciplinary partnerships to Accelerate Community Transformation and Sustainability (IC-IMPACTS). “Canada-India Workshop on Building Healthy Communities”, Feb 21-22, 2013, Nagpur, India. Workshop Faculty

·      “The Future of Barcoding” A workshop by ISHAM working group Medical Barcoding, at CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 12-13 April, 2013. Workshop Faculty.

·      International workshop on Medical Mycology, Nijmegen, Radboud University, the Netherlands, 18-23 June 2012. Course Faculty

·      Scientific workshop on Global Health and Disease Treatment: Infectious Diseases, Canada-India Research Centre of Excellence, University of Toronto, Canada, Jan 5-6, 2012. Workshop Faculty.

·      A workshop on Zygomycete biodiversity, Utrecht, The Netherlands, March 3-5, 2011. Workshop Faculty



Over 22 years of teaching/ training experience including research guidance in Medical Mycology to PhD, MD, and MSc students. Guided 5 Ph.D. students and 20 M.D students. The Medical Mycology, VPCI laboratory is a recognized European Society of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) collaborative center (2015) to impart training to the ESCMID sponsored foreign scholars.



1.      WHO Fellow, Mr Wijedasa (Course Title: Phenotypic of molecular characterization of pathogenic fungi and their antifungal susceptibility patterns) Lecturer, Department of Microbiology, University of Peradenyia, Sri Lanka, Dept. of Medical Mycology, VPCI, on February 27- April 25, 2014.


2.       Ph.D. student Dr. K.L. Becker, Department of Internal Medicine, Nijmegen Institute for Infection, Inflammation and Immunity, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands to work on “Immunogenic response of Aspergillus species in allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis patients” Dept. of Medical Mycology, VPCI, on August 5-17, 2013. 


3.      Ph. D. student Hamid Fakhim, Department of Medical Mycology, School of Medicine, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran (10-08-2016 to 7-09-2016)


4.      Dr Hossein Zarrinfar, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Mycology and Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Allergy Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, MASHHAD, IRAN  23-08-2016 to 08-09-2016

5.      Dr Yasmeen Sultana AHMED, Faculty of Bio-medical Sciences, Meliksah University, Kayseri, TURKEY. 18-22 August, 2016


6.      Dr Špela Klemen, NLZOH – National laboratory of health, environment and food Prvomajska ulica 1, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia12th to 31st March, 2017


List of Publications of Prof Anuradha Chowdhary

·      Published 155 papers in peer reviewed journals. Citations (7060); H index 45 :

 i 10 index 111 (Google scholar)

·      Corresponding author* in 70 of 151 papers and First author in 48

Original Articles/ (IF)

International Journals

1.            Vatanshenassana M, Boekhout T, Meis JF, Bermane J, Chowdhary A, Ben-Ami R, Sparbiera K, Kostrzewa M. 2019. Candida auris identification and rapid antifungal susceptibility testing against echinocandins by MALDI-TOF MS. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 9:20. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2019.00020.

2.            Singh A, Singh P, de Groot T, Kumar A, Mathur P, Tarai B, SachdevaN, Upadhyaya G, Sarma S, Meis JF. Chowdhary A*. 2019. Emergence of clonal fluconazole resistant Candida parapsilosis clinical isolates in a multicentre laboratory-based surveillance in India. J Antimicrob Agents & Chemother. 2019 Feb 11. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkz029.

3.            de Groot T, Chowdhary A, Meis JF, Voss A. Killing of Candida auris by UV-C: Importance of exposure time and distance. 2019.  Mycoses2019 Feb 12. doi: 10.1111/myc.12903.

4.       Deepak D, Singh Rajput M, Sharma B, Chowdhary A. Allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis due to fungi other than Aspergillus. Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 Mar;51(2):75-79. doi: 10.23822/EurAnnACI.1764-1489.87

5.       Sharma C, Kumar R, Kumar N, Masih A, Gupta D, Chowdhary A*. 2018. Investigation of multiple resistance mechanisms in voriconazole resistant Aspergillus flavus clinical isolates from a chest hospital surveillance in Delhi, India" Antimicrob Agents Chemother; 62 (3). pii: e01928-17. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01928-17 (Impact factor: 4.302)

6.       Mathur P, Hasan F, Singh PK, Malhotra R, Walia K, Chowdhary A*. 2018 Five-year profile of candidemia at an Indian Trauma Center: high rates of Candida auris blood stream infections. Mycoses. May 8. doi: 10.1111/myc.12790. [Epub ahead of print] (Impact factor: 2.252)

7.       Chowdhary A*, Prakash A, Sharma C, Kordalewska M, Kumar A, Sarma S, Bansidhar T, Singh A, Upadhyay G, Upadhyay S, Priyanka Y, Singh P, Khillan V; Neelam S, Perlin DS, Meis, JF. 2018. A multi-centre study of antifungal susceptibility patterns of 350 Candida auris isolates (2009-2017) in India:  role of the ERG11 and FKS1 genes in azole and echinocandin resistance. J Antimicrob Chemother 73(4):891-899. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkx480. (Impact factor: 5.071)

8.       Khurana A, Masih A, Chowdhary A*, Sardana K, Borker S, Gupta A, Gautam RK, Sharma PK, Jain D 2018. Correlation of invitro susceptibility based on MICs and SQLE mutations with clinical response to terbinafine in patients with tinea corporis/cruris. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. pii: AAC.01038-18. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01038-18. (Impact factor: 4.302)

9.       Buil JB, Hagen F, Chowdhary A, Verweij PE, Meis JF. 2018. Itraconazole, voriconazole, and posaconazole CLSI MIC distributions for wild-type and azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus isolates. J Fungi (Basel).4(3). pii: E103.

10.  Kordalewska M, Lee A, Park S, Berrio I, Chowdhary A, Zhao Y, Perlin DS.  2018. Understanding echinocandin resistance in the emerging pathogen Candida auris. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 62 (6). pii:e00238-18 AAC.00238-18. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00238-18. (Impact factor: 4.302)

11.  Singh A, Masih A, Khurana A, Singh PK, Gupta M, Hagen F, Meis JF, Chowdhary A*. 2018. High terbinafine resistance in Trichophyton interdigitale isolates in Delhi, India harboring mutations in the squalene epoxidase gene. Mycoses 2018 61(7):477-484. doi: 10.1111/myc.12772 (Impact factor: 2.252)

12.  Singh A, Healey K, Yadav P, Upadhyaya G, Sachdeva N, Sarma S, kumar A, Tarai B, Perlin DS, Chowdhary A*. 2018. Absence of azole or echinocandin resistance in Candida glabrata isolates in India despite background prevalence of strains with defects in DNA mismatch repair pathway. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 62(6). pii: e00195-18: AAC.00195-18. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00195-18. (Impact factor: 4.302)

13.  de Groot T, Hagen F, Vreuls W, Verweij PE, Chowdhary A* and Meis JF. 2018. Genotyping of Aspergillus fumigatus in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues and serum samples from patients with invasive Aspergillosis. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 8:377.doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2018.00377 (Impact factor: 3.520)

14.  Arendrup MC, Chowdhary A, Astvad KMT, Jørgensen KM. 2018. APX001A In Vitro activity against contemporary blood isolates and Candida auris determined by the EUCAST reference method. Antimicrob Agents Chemother.  Sep 24;62(10). pii: e01225-18. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01225-18(Impact factor: 4.302)

15.  Healey KR, Kordalewska M, Jiménez Ortigosa C, Singh A, Berrío I, Chowdhary A, Perlin DS. 2018. Limited ERG11 mutations identified in isolates of Candida auris directly contribute to reduced azole susceptibility. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. Sep 24;62(10). pii: e01427-18. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01427-18. (Impact factor: 4.302)

16.  Martínez-Murcia A, Navarro A, Bru G, Chowdhary A, Hagen F, Meis JF. 2018 Internal validation of GPS™ MONODOSE CanAur dtec-qPCR kit following the UNE/EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 for detection of the emerging yeast Candida auris. Mycoses. Nov;61(11):877-884. doi: 10.1111/myc.12834. (Impact factor: 2.252)

17.  Colley T, Sehra G, Chowdhary A, Alanio A, Kelly SL, Kizawa Y, Armstrong-James D, Fisher MC, Warrilow AGS, Parker JE, Kelly DE, Kimura G, Nishimoto Y, Sunose M, Onions S, Crepin D, Lagasse F, Crittall M, Shannon J, McConville M, King-Underwood J, Naylor A, Bretagne S, Murray J, Ito K, Strong P, Rapeport G. 2018.  In vitro and in vivo efficacy of a novel and long acting fungicidal azole, PC1244 on Aspergillus fumigatus infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 62(5). pii: e01941-17. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01941-17 (Impact factor: 4.302)

18.  Fakhim H, Vaezi A, Dannaoui E, Chowdhary A, Nasiry D, Faeli L, Meis JF, Badali H. 2018. Comparative virulence of Candida auris with Candida haemulonii, Candida glabrata and Candida albicans in a murine model. Mycoses. 91(3):266-268. doi: 10.1111/myc.12754. (Impact factor: 2.252)

19.  Ropars J, Maufrais C, Diogo D, Marcet-Houben M, Perin A, Sertour N, Mosca K, Permal E, Laval G, Bouchier C, Ma L, Schwartz K, Voelz K, May R, Poulain J, Battail C, Wincker P, Borman AM, Chowdhary A, Fan S, Kim SH, Le Pape P, Romeo O, Shin JH, Gabaldon T, Sherlock G, Bougnoux ME, d’Enfert C. 2018. Gene flow contributes to diversification of the major fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Nature Commun;9(1):2253. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-04787-4 (Impact factor: 12.124)

20.     Espinel-Ingroff A, Turnidge J, Alastruey-Izquierdo A, Dannaoui E, Garcia-Effron G, Guinea J, Kidd S, Pelaez T, Sanguinetti M, Meletiadis J, Botterel F, Bustamante B, Chen YC, Chakrabarti A, Chowdhary A, Chryssanthou E, Córdoba S, Gonzalez GM, Guarro J, Johnson EM, Kus JV, Lass-Flörl C, Linares-Sicilia MJ, Martín-Mazuelos E, Negri CE, Pfaller MA, Tortorano AM. 2018. Posaconazole MIC distributions for Aspergillus fumigatus SC by four methods: Impact of Cyp51A mutations on estimation of epidemiological cutoff values (ECVs/ECOFFs). Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 62(4). pii: e01916-17 doi: 10.1128/AAC.01916-17. (Impact factor: 4.302)

21.     Prakash A, Randhawa HS, Khan ZU, Ahmad S, Hagen F, Meis JF, Chowdhary A*. 2018. Environmental distribution of Cryptococcus species and some other yeast-like fungi in India. Mycoses. 61(5):305-313. doi: 10.1111/myc.12741 (Impact factor: 2.252)

22.     ZoranT, Sartori B, Sappl L, Aigner M, Sánchez-Reus F, Rezusta A, Chowdhary A, Taj-Aldeen SJ, Arendrup MC, Oliveri S, Kontoyiannis DP, Alastruey-Izquierdo A, Lagrou K, Cascio GLo, Meis JF, Buzina W, Farina C, Drogari-Apiranthitou M, Grancini A, Tortorano AM, Willinger B, Hamprecht A, Johnson E, Klingspor L,  Arsic-Arsenijevic V, Cornely OA, Meletiadis J, Prammer W, Tullio V, Vehreschild JJ, Trovato L, Lewis RE, Segal E, Rath PM, Hamal P, Rodriguez-Iglesias M, Roilides E, Arikan-Akdagli S, Chakrabarti A, Colombo AL, Fernández MS, Martin-Gomez MT, Badali H, Petrikkos G, Klimko N, Heimann SM, Uzun O, Roudbary M, de la Fuente S, Houbraken J, Risslegger B, Lass-Flörl C, Lackner M. 2018. Azole-resistance in Aspergillus terreus and related species: an emerging problem or a rare phenomenon? Frontiers Microbiol 9:516. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00516 (Impact factor: 4.076)

23.     Fakhim H, Vaezi A, Dannaoui E, Sharma C, Mousavi B, Chowdhary A, Meis JF, Badali H. 2018. In vitro combination of voriconazole with micafungin against azole resistant clinical isolates of Aspergillus fumigatus from different geographical regions. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 91(3):266-268. doi: 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2018.03.003 (Impact factor: 2.401)

24.     Singh A, Singh PK, Kumar A, Chander J, Khanna G, Roy P, Meis JF, Chowdhary A*. 2017. Molecular and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry characterization of clinically significant melanized fungi in India. J Clin Microbiol. 55(4):1090-1103.  (Impact factor: 4.232; Citation: 07).

25.     Chowdhary A, Hagen F, Sharma C, Al-Hatmi AMS, Giuffrè L, Giosa D, Fan S, Badali H, Felice MR, de Hoog S, Meis JF, Romeo O. 2017. Whole genome-based amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis reveals genetic diversity in Candida africana. Front Microbiol, 8: 556. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00556. (Impact factor:4.076; Citation: 04)

26.     Arendrup MC, Prakash A, Meletiadis J, Sharma C, Chowdhary A. 2017. Comparison of the EUCAST and CLSI reference microdilution MICs for eight antifungal compounds for Candida auris and associated tentative ECOFFs. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 61(6): pii: 00485-17. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00485-17. (Impact factor: 4.46; Citation: 18)

27.     Ashu EE, Hagen F, Chowdhary A, Meis JF, Xu J. 2017. Global population genetic analysis of Aspergillus fumigatus. mSphere 2017;2(1). pii: e00019-17. doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00019-17. (Citation: 04)

28.     Kordalewska M, Zhao Y, Lockhart S, Chowdhary A, Berrio I, Perlin DS. 2017. Rapid and accurate molecular identification of the emerging multidrug resistant pathogen Candida auris. J Clin Microbiol. 55(8):2445-2452. doi: 10.1128/JCM.00630-17. (Impact factor: 4.232; Citation: 12)

29.     Mohsin J, Hagen F, Al-Balushi ZAM, de Hoog GS, Chowdhary A, Meis JF, Al-Hatmi AMS. 2017. The first cases of Candida auris candidemia in Oman. Mycoses 60(9):569-575. doi: 10.1111/myc.12647. (Impact factor: 2.252; Citation: 12)

30.     Fakhim H, Chowdhary A, Prakash A, Vaezi A, Dannaoui E, Meis JF, Badali H. 2017. In vitro interactions of echinocandins with triazoles against multidrug resistant Candida auris. Antimicrob Agents Chemother;61(11). pii: e01056-17. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01056-17 (Impact factor: 4.476; Citation:04)

31.     Lockhart SR, Etienne KA, Vallabhaneni S, Farooqi J, Chowdhary A, Govender NP, Calvo B, Cuomo CA, Desjardins CA, Berkhow EL, Castanheira M, Magobo RE, Jabeen K, Asghar RJ, Meis JF, Jackson B, Chiller T, Litvinsteva AP. 2017. Simultaneous emergence of multidrug resistant Candida auris on three continents confirmed by whole genome sequencing and epidemiological analyses. Clin Infect Dis. 64(2):134-140.  (Impact factor: 8.8; Citation: 95)

32.     Rhodes J, Desjardins CA, Sykes SM, Beale MA, Vanhove M, Sakthikumar S, Chen Y, Gujja S, Saif S, Chowdhary A, Lawson DJ, Ponzio V, Colombo AL, Meyer W, Engelthaler DM, Hagen F, Illnait-Zaragozi MT, Alanio A, Vreulink JM, Heitman J, Perfect JR, Litvintseva AP, Bicanic T, Harrison TS, Fisher MC, Cuomo CA. 2017.  Tracing genetic exchange and biogeography of Cryptococcus neoformans var grubii at the global population level. Genetics, 207(1):327-346. doi: 10.1534/genetics.117.203836.  (Impact factor: 5.963; Citation: 04)

33.     Risslegger B, Zoran T, Lackner M, Aigner M, Sánchez-Reus F, Rezusta A, Chowdhary A, Taj-Aldeen SJ, Arendrup MC, Oliveri S, Kontoyiannis DP, Alastruey-Izquierdo A, Lagrou K, Lo Cascio G, Meis JF, Buzina W, Farina C, Drogari-Apiranthitou M, Grancini A, Tortorano AM, Willinger B, Hamprecht A, Johnson E, Klingspor L, Arsic-Arsenijevic V, Cornely OA, Meletiadis J, Prammer W, Tullio V, Vehreschild JJ, Trovato L, Lewis RE, Segal E, Rath PM, Hamal P, Rodriguez-Iglesias M, Roilides E, Arikan-Akdagli S, Chakrabarti A, Colombo AL, Fernández MS, Martin-Gomez MT, Badali H, Petrikkos G, Klimko N, Heimann SM, Houbraken J, Uzun O, Edlinger M, Fuente S, Lass-Flörl C. 2017. A Prospective International Aspergillus terreus Survey: An EFISG, ISHAM and ECMM Joint Study. Clin Microbiol Infect. 23(10):776.e1-776.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2017.04.012. (Impact factor: 5.197; Citation: 02)

34.     Espinel-Ingroff A, Abreu DPB, Almeida-Paes R, Brilhante RSN, Chakrabarti A, Chowdhary A, Hagen F, Córdoba S, Gonzalez GM, Govender NP, Guarro J, Johnson EM, Kidd SE, Pereira SA, Rodrigues AM, Rozental S, Szeszs MW, Ballesté Alaniz R, Bonifaz A, Bonfietti LX, Borba-Santos LP, Capilla J, Colombo AL, Dolande M, Isla MG, Melhem MSC, Mesa-Arango AC, Oliveira MME, Panizo MM, Pires de Camargo Z, Zancope-Oliveira RM, Meis JF, Turnidge J. 2017. Multicenter and International study of MIC/MEC distributions for definition of epidemiological cut off values (ECVS) for species of Sporothrix identified by molecular methods. Antimicrob Agents Chemother; 61(10). pii: e01057-17. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01057-17 (Impact factor: 4.476; Citation: 02)

35.     Masih A, Singh PK, Kathuria S, Agarwal K, Meis JF, Chowdhary A*. 2016. Identification by molecular methods and Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry and antifungal susceptibility profiles of clinically significant rare Aspergillus species in a referral chest hospital in Delhi, India. J Clin Microbiol. 54(9): 2354-64. (Impact factor: 4.232, Citation: 15).

36.     Sharma C, Kumar N, Pandey R, Meis JF, Chowdhary A*. 2016. Whole genome sequencing of emerging multidrug resistant Candida auris isolates in India demonstrates low genetic variation. New Microbes and New Infect. 13:77-82. (Impact factor: 0.96; Citation: 28)

37.     Prakash A, Sharma C, Singh A, Singh PK, Kumar A, Hagen F, Govender PN, Colombo AL, Meis JF, Chowdhary A*. 2016. Evidence of genotypic diversity among Candida auris isolates by multilocus sequence typing, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry and amplified fragment length polymorphism. Clin Microbiol Infect. 22(3): 277.e1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2015.10.022. (Impact factor: 5.197, Citation: 35)

38.     Schelenz S, Hagen F, Rhodes JL, Abdolrasouli A, Chowdhary A, Hall A, Ryan L, Shackleton J, Trimlett R, Meis JF, Armstrong-James A, Fisher MC. 2016. First hospital outbreak of the globally emerging Candida auris in a European hospital. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control. 19; 5:35. doi.org/10.1186/s13756-016-0132-5. (Impact factor: 2.989, Citation: 82)

39.     Girard V, Mailler S, Chetry M, Vidal C, Durand G, van Belkum A, Colombo AL, Hagen F, Meis JF, Chowdhary A*. 2016. Identification and typing of the emerging pathogen Candida auris by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry. Mycoses. 59(8):535-8.  (Impact factor: 2.252; Citation: 26).

40.     Chang H, Ashu E, Sharma C, Kathuria S, Chowdhary A, Xu JP. 2016. Diversity and origins of Indian Multi-triazole resistant strains of Aspergillus fumigatus. Mycoses. 59(7):450-66.  (Impact factor: 2.252; Citation: 09)

41.     Chowdhary A*, Sharma C, Kathuria S, Hagen F, Meis JF. 2015. Prevalence and mechanism of triazole resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus in a referral chest hospital in Delhi, India and an update of the situation in Asia. Front. Microbiol. 6: 1-10. (Impact factor: 4.076; Citation: 40)

42.     Chowdhary A*, Singh PK, Kathuria SK, Meis JF. 2015. Comparison of the broth microdilution methods of the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing and the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute for testing isavuconazole, posaconazole and amphotericin B against molecularly identified species of Mucorales. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 59(12): 7882-7. (Impact factor: 4.415; Citation: 01)

43.     Chowdhary A, Hagen F, Curfs-Breuker I, Madrid H, de Hoog GS, Meis JF. 2015. In vitro activity of eight antifungal drugs against a global collection of genotyped isolates of Exserohilum. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 59(10): 1-4. (Impact factor: 4.415; Citation: 04).

44.     Abdolrasoulia A, Rhodes J, Beale MA, Hagen F, Rogers TR, Chowdhary A, Meis JF, Armstrong-James D, Fisher MC. 2015. Genomic context of azole-resistance mutations in Aspergillus fumigatus determined using whole-genome sequencing. Mbio. 6(4): pii: e00536-15. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00536-15. (Impact factor: 6.975 ; Citation: 42)

45.     Kathuria S, Singh PK, Sharma C, Prakash A, Masih A, Kumar A, Meis JF, Chowdhary A*. 2015. Multidrug resistant Candida auris misidentified as C. haemulonii: Characterization by Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS), DNA sequencing and its antifungal susceptibility profile variability by VITEK-2, CLSI-Broth Microdilution and E-test method. J Clin Microbiol. 53(6): 1823-30. (Impact factor: 3.61; Citation: 96)

46.     Randhawa HS, Mishra SK, Damodaran VN, Prakash A, Chowdhary A, Khan ZU. 2015. Pathogenicity of Candida viswanathii for normal and cortisone-treated mice. J Med Mycol. 25(5): 287-92. (Impact factor 1.269; Citation: 02)

47.     Kathuria S, Sharma C, Singh PK, Agarwal P, Agarwal K, Hagen F, Meis JF, Chowdhary A*. 2015. Molecular epidemiology and in-vitro antifungal susceptibility of Aspergillus terreus species complex isolates in Delhi, India: evidence of genetic diversity by amplified fragment length polymorphism and microsatellite typing.  PLoS One. 10(3): e0118997. (Impact factor: 2.806; Citation: 21)

48.     Badali H, Khodavaisy S, Fakhim H, de Hoog GS, Meis JF, Chowdhary A. 2015. In vitro susceptibility profiles of eight antifungal drugs against clinical and environmental strains of Phaeoacremonium. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 59: 7818-22.  (Impact factor: 4.415; Citation: 02)

49.     Sharma C, Hagen F, Moroti R, Meis JF, Chowdhary A*. 2015. Triazole resistant Aspergillus fumigatus harbouring G54 mutation: Is it de novo or environmentally acquired? J Global Antimicrob Resistance. 3: 69-73. (Impact factor: 1.276; Citation: 18)

50.     Agarwal K, Gaur SN, Chowdhary A*. 2015. The role of fungal sensitization in clinical presentation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Mycoses. 58(9):531-5. (Impact factor: 2.252; Citation: 05)

51.     Espinel-Ingroff A, Chakrabarti A, Chowdhary A, Cordoba S, Dannaoui E, Dufresne P, Fothergill A, Ghannoum M, Gonzalez GM, Guarro J, Kidd S, Lass-Flörl C, Meis JF, Pelaez T, Tortorano AM, Turnidge J. 2015. Multicenter evaluation of MIC distributions for epidemiologic cutoff value definition to detect amphotericin B, posaconazole, and itraconazole resistance among the most clinically relevant species of Mucorales.  Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 59(3): 1745-50. (Impact factor 4.415; Citation: 22)

52.     Espinel-Ingroff A, Chowdhary A, Gonzalez GM, Guinea J, Hagen F, Meis JF, Thompson GR 3rd, Turnidge J. 2015. Multicenter study of isavuconazole MIC distributions and epidemiological cutoff values for the Cryptococcus neoformans-Cryptococcus gattii species complex using the CLSI M27-A3 broth microdilution method.  Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 59(1): 666-8. (Impact factor 4.415; Citation: 35)

53.     Kumar A, Babu R, Bijulal S, Abraham M, Sasidharan P, Kathuria S, Sharma C, Meis JF, Chowdhary A*. 2014. Invasive mycosis due to species of Blastobotrys in immunocompromised patients with reduced susceptibility to antifungals. J Clin Microbiol. 52(11): 4094-9. (Impact factor 4.07; Citation: 02)

54.     Chowdhary A*, Kathuria S, Singh PK, Sharma B, Dolatabadi S, Hagen F, Meis JF. 2014. Molecular characterization and in vitro antifungal susceptibility of 80 clinical isolates of mucormycetes in Delhi, India. Mycoses. 57 (Suppl 3): 97-107. (Impact factor 2.252; Citation: 24)

55.     Chowdhary A*, Sharma C, van den Boom M, Yntema JB, Hagen F, Verweij PE, Meis JF. 2014. Multi-azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus in the environment in Tanzania. J Antimicrob Chemother. 69(11): 2979-83. (Impact factor 5.071; Citation: 60)

56.     Najafzadeh MJ, Sutton DA, Keisari MS, Zarrinfar H, de Hoog GS, Chowdhary A, Meis JF. 2014. In vitro activities of eight antifungal drugs against 104 environmental and clinical isolates of Aureobasidium pullulansAntimicrob Agents Chemother. 58(9): 5629-31.  (Impact factor 4.415; Citation: 08)

57.     Kathuria S, Singh PK, Meis JF, Chowdhary A*. 2014. In vitro antifungal susceptibility profile and correlation of mycelial and yeast forms of molecularly characterized Histoplasma capsulatum strains from India. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 58(9): 5613-6. (Impact factor 4.415; Citation: 10)

58.     Sharma C, Muralidhar S, Xu J, Meis JF, Chowdhary A*. 2014. Multilocus sequence typing of Candida africana from patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis in New Delhi, India.  Mycoses. 57(9): 544-52. (Impact factor 2.252; Citation: 10)

59.     Hagen F, Chowdhary A, Prakash A, Yntema JB, Meis JF. 2014. Molecular characterization of Cryptococcus gattii genotype AFLP6/VGII isolated from woody debris of divi-divi (Caesalpinia coriaria), Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean. Rev Iberoam Micol. 31: 193-6. (Impact factor 1.312; Citation: 10)

60.     Chowdhary A*, Kathuria S, Agarwal K, Sachdeva N, Singh PK, Jain S, Meis JF. 2014. Voriconazole-Resistant Penicillium oxalicum: an emerging pathogen in immunocompromised Hosts. Open Forum Infect Dis. 1(2): ofu029. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofu029. (Citation: 09)

61.     Chowdhary A*, Anil Kumar V, Sharma C, Prakash A, Agarwal K, Babu R, Dinesh KR, Karim S, Singh SK, Hagen F, Meis JF. 2014. Multidrug-resistant endemic clonal strain of Candida auris in India.  Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 33: 919-26. (Impact factor 2.727; Citation: 82)

62.     Chowdhary A*, Sharma C, Kathuria S, Hagen F, Meis JF. 2014. Azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus with the environmental TR46/Y121F/T289A mutation in India. J Antimicrob Chemother. 69(2): 555-7.  (Impact factor 5.071; Citation: 65)

63.     Chowdhary A*, Kathuria S, Singh PK, Agarwal K, Gaur SN, Roy P, Randhawa HS, Meis JF. 2013. Molecular characterization and in vitro antifungal susceptibility profile of Schizophyllum commune, an emerging basidiomycete in bronchopulmonary mycoses.  Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 57(6):2845-8. (Impact factor: 4.415; Citation: 21)

64.     Chowdhary A*, Sharma C, Duggal S, Agarwal K, Prakash A, Singh PK, Jain S, Kathuria S, Randhawa HS, Hagen F, Meis JF. 2013. New clonal strain of Candida auris, Delhi, India. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 19(10): 1670-3. (Impact factor: 8.22; Citation: 88)

65.     Singh PK, Kathuria S, Agarwal K, Gaur SN, Meis JF, Chowdhary A*. 2013.  Clinical significance and molecular characterization of non-sporulating moulds isolated from the respiratory tract of bronchopulmonary mycoses patients with special reference to basidiomycetes. J Clin. Microbiol. 51(10): 3331-7. (Impact factor: 4.07; Citation: 32)

66.     Khayhan K, Pan W, Hagen F, Wahyuningsih R, Chakrabarti A, Chowdhary A, Ikeda R, Taj-Aldeen SJ, Khan Z, Imran D, Sjam R, Sriburee P, Liao W, Chaicumpar K, Ingviya N, Mouton JW, Curfs-Breuker I, Boekhout T, Meis JF, Klaassen CH. 2013.  Geographically structured populations of Cryptococcus neoformans var grubii in Asia correlate with HIV status and show a clonal population structure. PLoS One. 8(9):e74444. (Impact factor: 2.806; Citation: 36).

67.     Espinel-Ingroff A, Chowdhary A, Gonzalez GM, Lass-Flörl C, Martin-Mazuelos E, Meis J, Pelaez T, Pfaller MA, Turnidge J. 2013.  Multicentre study of isavuconazole MIC distributions and Epidemiological Cutoff Values for Aspergillus spp. for the CLSI M38-A2 broth microdilution method. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 57(8):3823-8. (Impact factor: 4.54; Citation: 47).

68.     Badali H, Vaezi A, Haghani I, Yazdanparast SA, Hedayati MT, Mousavi B, Ansari S, Hagen F, Meis JF, Chowdhary A. 2013. Environmental study of azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus with TR34/L98H mutations in the cyp51A gene in Iran. Mycoses. 56(6): 659-63. (Impact factor: 2.252; Citation: 66).

69.     Chowdhary A*, Agarwal K, Kathuria S, Singh PK, Roy P, Gaur SN, de Hoog GS, and Meis JF. 2013. Clinical significance of filamentous basidiomycetes, illustrated by the novel opportunist Ceriporia lacerata isolated from the human respiratory tract. J Clin. Microbiol.  51(2): 585-90. (Impact factor: 4.07; Citation: 28).

70.     Sharma C, Wankhede S, Muralidhar S, Prakash A, Singh PK, Kathuria S, Kumar DA, Khan N, Randhawa HS, Meis JF, Chowdhary A*. 2013. Candida nivariensis as an etiologic agent of vulvovaginal candidiasis in a tertiary care hospital of New Delhi. Diagn Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 76(1):46-50.  (Impact factor: 2.401; Citation: 15).

71.     Chowdhary A*, Kathuria S, Xu J, Sharma C, Sundar G, Singh PK, Gaur SN, Hagen F,  Klaassen CH, Meis JF. 2012. Clonal expansion and emergence of environmental multiple-triazole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus strains carrying the TR34/L98H mutations in the cyp51A gene in India. PloS ONE. 7(12):e52871. (Impact factor: 2.806; Citation: 95)

72.     Espinel-Ingroff A, Canton E, Castañón-Olivares LR, Chowdhary A, Cordoba S,  Cuenca-Estrella M, Fothergill A,  Fuller J,  Govender JN, Hagen F, Illnait-Zaragozi M, Johnson E, Kidd S, Lass-Flörl C, Lockhart S, Martins MA,   Mazuelos E,  Meis JF,  M. S.C. Melhem, Ostrosky-Zeichner, T. Pelaez, M.A. Pfaller  W. A. Schell, G. St-Germain, L. Trilles, and J. Turnidge. 2012. Cryptococcus neoformans-Cryptococcus gattii species complex: An international study of wild-type susceptibility endpoint distributions and epidemiological cutoff values for fluconazole, itraconazole, posaconazole and voriconazole. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 56: 5898-906. (Impact factor: 4.415; Citation:145)

73.     Pan W, Khayhan K, Hagen F, Wahyuningsih R, Chakrabarti A, Chowdhary A, Ikeda R, Taj-Aldeen SJ, Khan Z, Imran D, Sjam R, Sriburee P, Liao W, Chaicumpar K, Ingviya N, Mouton JW, Curfs-Breuker I, Boekhout T, Meis JF, Klaassen CH. 2012. Resistance of Asian Cryptococcus neoformans serotype A is confined to few microsatellite genotypes. PLoS One. 7(3): e32868. (Impact factor: 2.806; Citation: 36).

74.     Espinel-Ingroff A, Chowdhary A, Cuenca-Estrella M, Fothergill A, Fuller J, Hagen F, Govender N, Guarro J, Johnson E, Lass-Flörl C, Lockhart SR, Martins MA, Meis JF, Melhem MS, Ostrosky-Zeichner L, Pelaez T, Pfaller MA, Schell WA, Trilles L, Kidd S, Turnidge J.  2012. Cryptococcus neoformans-Cryptococcus gattii species complex: An International study of wild-type susceptibility endpoint distributions and epidemiological cutoff values for amphotericin B and flucytosine. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 56(6): 3107-3113. (Impact factor: 4.415; Citation: 129)

75.     Chowdhary A*, Kathuria S, Randhawa HS, Gaur SN, Klaassen CH, Meis JF. 2012. Isolation of multiple-triazole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus strains carrying the TR34/L98H mutations in the cyp51A gene in India. J Antimicrob. Chemother. 67(2): 362-366. (Impact factor: 5.071; Citation: 149)

76.     Chowdhary A, Hiremath SS, Sun S, Kowshik T, Randhawa HS,  Xu J. 2011. Genetic differentiation and clonal expansion of environmental populations of Cryptococcus gattii in India. Environ. Microbiol. 13(7):1875-88. (Impact factor: 5.395; Citation: 28)

77.     Chowdhary A*, Randhawa HS, Kowshik T, Kathuria S, Roy P, Brandt ME. 2011. Application of hypertonic Sabouraud glucose agar for differentiation of Candida dubliniensis from Candida albicans. Diagn. Microbiol. & Infect. Dis. 69(4): 440-2. (Impact factor: 2.401; Citation: 08)

78.     Chowdhary A*, Randhawa HS, Sundar G, Kathuria S, Prakash A, Khan ZU, Sun S, Xu J. 2011. In vitro antifungal susceptibility profiles and genotypes of 308 clinical and environmental isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii and Cryptococcus gattii serotype B from north-western India. J Med. Microbiol. 60(7):961-7.  (Impact factor: 2.159; Citation: 48)  

79.     Randhawa HS, Kowshik T, Chowdhary A, Prakash A, Khan ZU, Xu J. 2011. Seasonal variations in prevalence of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii and Cryptococcus gattii in decayed wood inside trunk hollows of diverse tree species in north- western India: A retrospective study. Med. Mycol. 49: 320-3. (Impact factor: 2.377; Citation: 18)

80.     Chowdhary A*, Randhawa HS, Khan ZU, Ahmad S, Juneja S, Sharma B, Roy P, Sundar G, Joseph L. 2010. First isolations in India of Candida nivariensis, a globally emerging opportunistic pathogen.  Med. Mycol. 48(2): 416-420. (Impact factor: 2.377; Citation: 18)

81.     Khan ZU, Randhawa HS, Chehadeh W, Chowdhary A, Kowshik T, Chandy R. 2009. Cryptococcus neoformans, serotype A and Cryptococcus gattii, serotype B isolates differ in their susceptibilities to fluconazole and voriconazole. Int. J Antimicrob. Agents. 33:559-563. (Impact factor: 4.307; Citation: 17)

82.     Randhawa HS, Kowshik T, Chowdhary A, Sinha KP, Khan ZU, Sun S, Xu J. 2008. The expanding host tree species spectrum of Cryptococcus gattii and Cryptococcus neoformans and their isolations from surrounding soil in India. Med. Mycol. 46(8): 823-833. (Impact factor: 2.377; Citation: 61)

83.     Hiremath SS, Chowdhary A, Randhawa HS, Kowshik T, Sun S, Xu J.  2008. Long distance dispersal and recombination in environmental populations of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii from India.  Microbiology. 154(pt5): 1513-1524. (Impact factor: 2.835; Citation: 87)

84.     Khan ZU, Randhawa HS, Kowshik T, Chowdhary A, Chandy R. 2007. Antifungal susceptibility of Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii isolates from decayed wood of trunk hollows of Ficus religiosa and Syzygium cumini trees in north-western India.  J Antimicrob Chemother. 60: 312-316. (Impact factor: 5.313; Citation: 37)

85.     Chowdhary A, Lee-Yang W, Lasker BA, Brandt ME, Warnock DW, Arthington-Skaggs B. 2006. A comparison of multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and Ca3 fingerprinting for molecular subtyping of epidemiologically-related clinical isolates of Candida albicans. Med. Mycol. 44: 405-418. (Impact factor: 2.377; Citation: 27)

86.     Randhawa HS, Kowshik T, Sinha KP, Chowdhary A, Khan ZU, Zhun Y, Xu J, Kumar A. 2006. Distribution of Cryptococcus gattii and Cryptococcus neoformans in decayed trunk wood of Syzygium cumini trees in north-western India. Med. Mycol. 44: 623-630. (Impact factor: 2.377; Citation: 45)

87.     Randhawa HS, Chowdhary A, Kowshik T, Sinha KP, Vijayan VK. 2006. Evaluation of peptone glucose fluconazole agar as a selective medium for rapid and enhanced isolation of Aspergillus fumigatus from respiratory tract of bronchopulmonary aspergillosis patients colonized by Candida albicans. Med. Mycol. 44: 343-348. (Impact factor: 2.33; Citation: 04)

88.     Chowdhary A* and Singh K. 2005. Spectrum of fungal keratitis in North India. Cornea.  24: 8-15. (Impact factor: 2; Citation: 223)

89.     Chowdhary A*, Bansal R, Singh K, Singh V. 2003. Ocular cysticercosis -a profile. Tropical Doctor. 33: 185-188. (Impact factor: 0.45; Citation: 14)

90.     Chowdhary A*, Becker K, Fegler W, Gugnani HC, Kapoor L, Randhawa VS, Mehta G. 2003. An outbreak of candidemia due to Candida tropicalis in a neonatal intensive care unit. Mycoses.  46: 269-274. (Impact factor: 2.252, Citation: 42)

National Journals

91.    Randhawa HS, Kowshik T, Sinha KP, Sandhu RS, Chowdhary A. 2005. Peptone glucose fluconazole agar, a selective medium for rapid and enhanced isolation of Aspergillus fumigatus from aqueous suspensions and sputum seeded with Candida albicans. Current Science (India). 88: 449-454. (Impact factor: 0.843, Citation: 7)

Short Research papers/Commentary:

International journals

92.    Meis JF, Chowdhary A. Candida auris: a global fungal public health threat. Lancet Infect Dis. 2018 Oct 4. pii: S1473-3099(18)30609-1. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(18)30609-1

93.    Defosse TA, Le Govic Y, Vandeputte P, Courdavault V, Clastre M, Bouchara JP, Chowdhary A, Giglioli-Guivarc'h N, Papon N. 2018. A synthetic construct for genetic engineering of the emerging pathogenic yeast Candida auris. Plasmid. 95:7-10. doi: 10.1016/j.plasmid.2017.11.001. (Impact factor: 1.545; Citation: 02)

94.    Kumar A. Prakash A, Singh A, Kumar H, Hagen F, Meis J, Chowdhary A*. 2016. Candida haemulonii species complex: an emerging species in India and its genetic diversity by multilocus sequence typing and amplified fragment length polymorphism. Emerg Microbe & Infection. 5, e49: doi:10.1038/emi.2016.49. (Impact factor: 5.605, Citation: 12)

95.    Chowdhary A*, Singh PK, Kathuria S. 2015. Reply to “Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time Of Flight identification of Schizophyllum commune: Perspectives on the review by Chowdhary et al”. Med Mycol. 53(8): 898-9. (Impact factor: 2.377, Citation: 01)

96.    Sharma C, Kumar N, Meis JF, Pandey R, Chowdhary A*2015. Draft genome sequence of fluconazole-resistant Candida auris strain from candidemia patient in India. Genome Announc. 3; e00722-15. doi:10.1128/genomeA.00722-15. (Citation: 18)

97.    Chowdhary A*, Kathuria S, Agarwal K, Meis JF. 2013. Reply to implications of high antifungal susceptibility on Schizophylum commune-associated allergy in clinical practice.  Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 57: 5784-5. (Impact factor: 4.54; Citation: 02)

98.    Chowdhary A, Randhawa HS, Boekhout T, Hagen F, Klaassen CH, Meis JF. 2012. Temperate climate niche for Cryptococcus gattii in Northern Europe.  Emerg. Infect. Dis. 18:172-4. (Impact factor: 6.99; Citation: 50)

99.    Randhawa HS, Chowdhary A, Khanna G. Comments on Singh et al.’s. 2007. Cryptococcosis in a bandicoot rat. Med. Mycol. 45: 655-656 (Impact factor: 2.377; Citation: 01).

Reviews (IF):

International Journals

100.Khurana A, Sardana K, Chowdhary A.  Antifungal resistance in dermatophytes: recent trends and therapeutic implications. 2019. Fungal Genet Biol. 2019 Jul 19:103255. doi: 10.1016/j.fgb.2019.103255

101.Chowdhary A*, Singh A, Singh PK, Khurana A, Meis JF. Perspectives on misidentification of Trichophyton interdigitale/Trichophyton mentagrophytes using internal transcribed spacer region sequencing: Urgent need to update the sequence database. 2018. Mycoses. 2018 Oct 26. doi: 10.1111/myc.12865. [Epub ahead of print]

102.Chowdhary A, Meis JF. 2018. Emergence of azole resistant Aspergillus fumigatus and One Health: time to implement environmental stewardship. Environ Microbiol.20(4):1299-1301. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.14055. (Impact factor: 5.395)

103.Bidaud AL, Chowdhary A, Dannaoui E. Candida auris: An emerging drug resistant yeast - A mini-review. 2018. J Mycol Med. ;28(3):568-573. doi: 10.1016/j.mycmed.2018.06.007

104.Cortegiani A, Misseri G, Fasciana T, Giammanco A, Giarratano A, Chowdhary A. 2018. What's new on emerging resistant Candida species. Intensive Care Med. Sep 6. doi: 10.1007/s00134-018-5363-x.

105.   Cortegiani A, Misseri G, Chowdhary A. 2018. Epidemiology, clinical characteristics, resistance, and treatment of infections by Candida auris.  Journal of Intensive Care 6:69. doi.org/10.1186/s40560-018-0342-4

106.   Bidaud AL, Chowdhary A Dannaoui E . 2018. Candida auris: An emerging drug resistant yeast-A mini reviewJ Mycol Med. 2018 Jul 17. pii: S1156-5233(18)30059-3. doi: 10.1016/j.mycmed.2018.06.007. [Epub ahead of print].

107.   Sharpe AR, Lagrou K, Meis JF, Chowdhary A, Lockhart SR, Verweij PE on behalf of the ISHAM/ECMM Aspergillus Resistance Surveillance working group 2018. Triazole resistance surveillance in Aspergillus fumigatus. Med Mycol 56(S1):83-92 doi: 10.1093/mmy/myx144.

108.   Chowdhary A, Sharma C, Meis JF. 2017. Azole resistant aspergillosis: Epidemiology, molecular mechanisms and treatment. J Infect Dis. 15;216(suppl 3) :S436-S444. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jix210. . (Impact factor: 6.273; Citation: 09)

109.   Chowdhary A*, Sharma C, Meis JF. 2017. Candida auris: A rapidly emerging cause of hospital acquired multi-drug resistant fungal infections globally. PLoS Pathog. 13(5):e1006290. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006290. (Impact factor: 7; Citation: 35)

110.   Sharma C, Chowdhary A*. 2017. Molecular basis of antifungal resistance in filamentous fungi. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 50 (5):607-616.doi: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag. (Impact factor: 4.18; Citation: 01)

111.   Chander J, Singla N, Kundu R, Handa U, Chowdhary A. 2017. Phaeohyphomycosis caused by Rhytidhysteron rufulum and Review of Literature. Mycopathologia. 182(3-4):403-407. doi: 10.1007/s11046-016-0064-x. (Impact factor: 1.710; Citation: 02)

112.   Meis JF, Chowdhary A, Rhodes JL, Fisher MC, Verweij PE. 2016. Clinical implications of globally emerging azole resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus. Phil Trans R Soc. B. 371(1709). pii: 20150460. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2015.0460. (Impact factor: 5.846; Citation: 33).

113.   Chowdhary A*, Voss A, Meis JF. 2016. Multidrug resistant Candida auris: New kid on the block in hospital associated infection? Journal of Hospital Infection. 94(3): 209-212. (Impact factor: 3.126; Citation: 42)


114.   Sharma B, Kamble U, Ghosh G, Prasad A, Chowdhary A. 2016. Invasive rhinosinusitis due to Alternaria alternata and Rhizopus arrhizus mixed infection: A Case Report and Review. Int J Infect.e42127. doi: 10.17795/iji-42127. (Impact factor: 0.49)

115.   Chowdhary A*, Masih A, Sharma C. 2016. Azole resistance in Moulds- Approach to detection in clinical laboratory. Curr Fungal Infect Rep. 10:96–106 doi. 10.1007/s12281-016-0265-2. (Impact factor: 0.79; Citation: 02)


116.   Gonçalves SS, Souza AC, Chowdhary A, Meis JF, Colombo AL. 2016. Epidemiology and molecular mechanisms of antifungal resistance in Candida and Aspergillus. Mycoses.59(4):198-219.doi:10.1111/myc.12469.(Impact factor 2.252; Citation: 48)

117.   Chowdhary A*, Agarwal K, Meis JF. 2016. Filamentous fungi in respiratory infections. What lies beyond aspergillosis and mucormycosis? PLoS Pathog. 12(4):e1005491. doi: 10.1371. (Impact factor: 8.36; Citation: 05).

118.   Verweij PE, Chowdhary A, Melchers WJ, Meis JF. 2016. Azole resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus: can we retain clinical use of mold active antifungal azoles. Clin Infect Dis.  62(3): 362-8. (Impact factor: 8.216; Citation: 140)

119.   Kumar A, Udayakumaran S, Babu R, Rajamma BM, Prakash A, Panikar D, Karim S, Chowdhary A*. 2015. Trichosporon asahii infection presenting as chronic meningo-ventriculitis and intra ventricular fungal ball: a case report and literature review.  Mycoses. 58: 99-103. (Impact factor: 2.252; Citation: 04)

120.   Chowdhary A, Perfect J, de Hoog GS. 2014. Black molds and melanized yeasts pathogenic to humans.  Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 5(8): pii: a019570. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a019570. (Impact factor 9.81; Citation: 23)

121.   Chowdhary A*, Kathuria S, Agarwal K, Meis JF. 2014. Recognizing filamentous basidiomycetes as agents of human disease: A review  Med Mycol. 52: 782-97. (Impact factor 2.33; Citation: 24)

122.   Chowdhary A*, Sharma C, Hagen F, Meis JF. 2014. Exploring azole antifungal drug resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus with special reference to resistance mechanisms.  Future Microbiol. 9: 697-711. doi: 10.2217/fmb.14.27. (Impact factor 3.374; Citation: 54).

123.   Prakash A, Wankhede S, Singh PK, Agarwal K, Kathuria S, Sengupta S, Barman P, Meis JF, Chowdhary A*. 2014.  First neonatal case of fungemia due to Pseudozyma aphidis and a global literature review. Mycoses. 57: 64-8 (Impact factor 2.252; Citation: 23).

124.   Chowdhary A*, Agarwal K, Kathuria S, Gaur SN, Randhawa HS, Meis JF. 2014. Allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis due to fungi other than Aspergillus: a global overview.  Crit Rev Microbiol. 40: 30-48. (Impact factor 6.62; Citation: 77)

125.   Chowdhary A*, Kathuria S, Xu J, Meis JF. 2013. Emergence of azole resistant Aspergillus fumigatus strains due to agricultural azole use creates an increasing threat to human health. PLoS Pathog. 9: 10e1003633 (Impact factor: 7; Citation: 134)

126.   Chowdhary A*, Prakash A, Randhawa HS, Kathuria S, Hagen F, Meis JF. 2013. First environmental isolation of Cryptococcus gattii, genotype AFLP5 from India and a global review. Mycoses. 56: 222-8. (Impact factor: 2.252; Citation: 17).

127.   Randhawa HS, Chowdhary A, Kathuria S, Roy P, Misra DS, Jain S, Chugh TD. 2013.  Blastomycosis in India: report of an imported case and current status. Med. Mycol. 51:185-92. (Impact factor: 2.377; Citation: 13)

128.   Chowdhary A*, Randhawa HS, Kathuria S, Gaur SN, Roy P, Klaassen CH Meis JF. 2013. Schizophyllum commune as an emerging fungal pathogen: A review and report of two cases. Mycoses. 56: 1-10.  (Impact factor: 2.252; Citation: 52)

129.   Chowdhary A, Randhawa HS, Prakash A, Meis JF. 2012. Environmental prevalence of Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii in India: An Update. Critical Rev. Microbiol. 38: 1–16. (Impact factor: 6.281; Citation: 54)

130.   Chowdhary A, Randhawa HS, Khan ZU, Ahmad S, Khanna G, Gupta R, Chakravarty A, Roy P.  2010. Rhinoentomophthoromycosis due to Conidiobolus coronatus - A case report and an overview of the disease in India.  Med. Mycol. 48: 870-879. (Impact factor: 2.377; Citation: 10)

131.   Diwakar A, Dewan RK, Chowdhary A, Randhawa HS, Khanna G, Gaur SN. 2007. Zygomycosis-A case report and overview of disease in India. Mycoses. 50: 247-254. (Impact factor: 2.252; Citation: 53)

National journals

132.   Walia K, Chowdhary A, Ohri VC, Chakrabarti A. 2017. Multidrug-resistant Candida auris: Need for alert among microbiologists. Indian J Med Microbiol. 35(3):436. doi: 10.4103/ijmm.IJMM_17_345. (Impact factor: 0.94)

133.    Jain A, Rynga D, Singh PK, Chowdhary A. 2015. Rhinofacial conidiobolomycosis due to Conidiobolus coronatus: A case report and update of the disease in Asia. Southeast Asian Journal of Case Report and Review. 4: 1576- 89. (Impact factor: 0.53; Citation: 2).

134.    Randhawa HS, Chowdhary A. 2008. Medical Mycology in India (1957-2007): Contributions by the VPCI Mycoses Group. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 50: 19-32. (Impact factor: 0.376)

135.   Chowdhary A, Ahmad S, Khan ZU, Doval DC, Randhawa HS. 2004. Trichosporon asahii as an emerging etiologic agent of disseminated trichosporonosis: a case report and an update.  Indian J Med Microbiol. 22: 16-22. (Impact factor: 0.94; Citation: 54).

Guidelines (IF):

International journals

136.   Hagen F, Lumbsch HT, Arsic Arsenijevic V, Badali H, Bertout S, Billmyre RB, Bragulat MR, Cabañes FJ, Carbia M, Chakrabarti A, Chaturvedi S, Chaturvedi V, Chen M, Chowdhary A, Colom MF, Cornely OA, Crous PW, Cuétara MS, Diaz MR, Espinel-Ingroff A, Fakhim H, Falk R, Fang W, Herkert PF, Ferrer Rodríguez C, Fraser JA, Gené J, Guarro J, Idnurm A, Illnait-Zaragozi MT, Khan Z, Khayhan K, Kolecka A, Kurtzman CP, Lagrou K, Liao W, Linares C, Meis JF, Nielsen K, Nyazika TK, Pan W, Pekmezovic M, Polacheck I, Posteraro B, de Queiroz Telles F Filho, Romeo O, Sánchez M, Sampaio A, Sanguinetti M, Sriburee P, Sugita T, Taj-Aldeen SJ, Takashima M, Taylor JW, Theelen B, Tomazin R, Verweij PE, Wahyuningsih R, Wang P, Boekhout T. 2017. Importance of resolving fungal nomenclature: the case of multiple pathogenic species in the Cryptococcus genus. mSphere. 2(4). pii: e00238-17. doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00238-17 (citations 9)

137.   Seidel D, Duran Graeff LA, Vehreschild M JGT, Wisplinghoff H, Ziegler M, Janne Vehreschild J, Liss B, Hamprecht A, Köhler P, Racil Z, Klimko N, Sheppard D, Herbrecht R, Chowdhary A, Cornely OA Fungiscope group. 2017."FungiScope™ – Global Emerging Fungal Infection Registry" Mycoses 60 (8):508-516. doi: 10.1111/myc.1263. ((Impact factor: 2.252; Citation: 10).

138.   Verweij PE, Ananda-Rajah M, Andes D, Arendrup MC, Brüggemann R, Chowdhary A, Cornely OA, Denning DW, Groll AH, Izumikawa K, Kullberg BJ, Lagrou K, Maertens J, Meis JF, Newton P, Page I, S. Seyedmousavi Tasieh, Sheppard D, Viscoli C, Warris A, Donnelly JP. 2015. International expert opinion on the management of infection caused by azole resistant Aspergillus fumigatus. Drug Res Update. 21-22: 30-40. (Impact factor: 10.906; Citation: 96).

139.   de Hoog GS, Chaturvedi V, Denning DW, Dyer PS, Frisvad JC, Geiser D, Gräser Y, Guarro J, Haase G, Kwon-Chung KJ, Meis JF, Meyer W, Pitt JI, Samson RA, Taylor JW, Tintelnot K, Vitale RG, Walsh TJ, Lackner M; ISHAM Working Group on Nomenclature of Medical Fungi (Chowdhary A). 2015. Name changes in medically important fungi and their implications for clinical practice. J Clin Microbiol. 53: 1056-62. doi: 10.1128/JCM.02016-14. (Impact factor: 3.631; Citation: 23).

140.   Chowdhary A, Meis JF, Guarro J, de Hoog GS, Kathuria S, Arendrup MC, Arikan-Akdagli S, Akova M, Boekhout T, Caira M, Guinea J, Chakrabarti A, Dannaoui E, van Diepeningen A, Freiberger T, Groll AH, Hope WW, Johnson E, Lackner M, Lagrou K, Lanternier F, Lass-Flörl C, Lortholary O, Meletiadis J, Muñoz P, Pagano L, Petrikkos G, Richardson MD, Roilides E, Skiada A, Tortorano AM, Ullmann AJ, Verweij PE, Cornely OA, Cuenca-Estrella M. 2014. ESCMID and ECMM joint clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and management of systemic phaeohyphomycosis: diseases caused by black fungi. Clin Microbiol Infect. 20: Suppl 3: 47-75 (Impact factor 5.197; Citation: 98).

141.   Tortorano AM, Richardson MD, Roilides E, van Diepeningen A, Caira M, Munoz P, Johnson E, Meletiadis J, Pana ZD, Lackner M, PE, Freiberger T, Cornely OA, Arikan-Akdagli S, Dannaoui E, Groll AH, Lagrou K, Chakrabarti A, Lanternier F, Pagano L, Skiada A, Akova M, Arendrup MC, Boekhout T, Chowdhary A, Cuenca-Estrella M, Guinea J, Guarro J, de Hoog GS, Hope WH, Kathuria S, Lortholary O, Meis JF, Ullmann AJ, Petrikkos G, Lass-Flörl C. 2014. ESCMID & ECMM Joint Guidelines on Diagnosis and Management of Hyalohyphomycosis:  Fusarium spp, Scedosporium spp, and others. Clin. Microbiol.  Infect. 20 Suppl 3: 27-46. (Impact factor: 5.197; Citation: 129).

142.   Cornely OA, Arikan-Akdagli S, Dannaoui E, Groll AH, Lagrou K, Chakrabarti A, Lanternier F, Pagano L, Skiada A, Akova M, Arendrup MC, Boekhout T, Chowdhary A, Cuenca-Estrella MC, Tomas F, Guinea J, Guarro J, de Hoog GS, Hope W, Johnson E, Kathuria S, Lackner M, Lass-Florl C, Lortholary O, Meis JF, Meletiadis J, Munoz P, Richardson M, Roilides E, Tortorano AM, Ullmann AJ, van Diepeningen A, Verweij P, Petrikkos G. 2014. ESCMID and ECMM Joint Clinical Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of MucormycosisClin. Microbiol.  Infect. 20 Suppl 3: 5-26. (Impact factor: 5.197; Citation: 234)

Case reports (IF):

International journals

143.   Khurana A, Chowdhary A, Sardana K, Gautam RK, Sharma PK 2017. Complete cure of Fusarium solani sp. complex onychomycosis with Qs NdYAG treatment. Dermatol Ther. 31(2):e12580. doi: 10.1111/dth.12580

144.   Khillan V, Rathore N, Kathuria S, Chowdhary A*. 2014. A rare case of breakthrough fungal pericarditis due to fluconazole resistant Candida auris in a patient with chronic liver disease. J Med Microbiol Case reports. 1: 1-5. (Citation: 18)

145.   Agarwal K, Kathuria S, Sundar G, Singh P, Khanna G, Chowdhary A*. 2014. A case of allergic fungal rhinosinusitis due to Ceratocystis adiposaDiagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 78:196-8. (Impact factor 2.401; Citation: 03)

146.   Chowdhary A*,  Agarwal, K,  Kathuria S, Kumar P, Roy P,  Gaur SN, Rodrigues AM, deHoog GS,  Meis JF. 2012. First human case of pulmonary fungal ball due to a Perenniporia-like species (Basidiomycetes). J Clin. Microbiol. 50: 3786-91. (Impact factor: 4.07; Citation: 13)

147.   Chowdhary A*,  Agarwal K, Randhawa HS, Kathuria S, Gaur SN, Najafzadeh MJ, Roy P,  Arora N, Khanna G,  Meis JF. 2012. A rare case of allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis caused by Alternaria alternata. Med. Mycol. 50: 890-6. (Impact factor: 2.33; Citation: 14)

148.   Sharma B, Ghosh G, Kamble U, Chaudhary K, Chauhan A, Lamba BM, Chowdhary A, Gupta BB. 2012. Allergic broncho pulmonary aspergillosis complicated by nocardiosis. Case Rep Pulmonol.  758630. doi: 10.1155/2012/758630. (Citation: 05)

149.   Chowdhary A*, Randhawa HS, Singh V, Khan ZU, Ahmad S, Kathuria S, Roy P, Khanna G, Chandra J. 2011. Bipolaris hawaiiensis as etiologic agent of allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis: first case in a paediatric patient. Med. Mycol. 49(7):760-5. (Impact factor: 2.377; Citation: 25)

150.   Chowdhary A, Guarro J, Randhawa HS, Gené J, Cano J, Jain RK, Kumar S, Khanna G. 2008. A rare case of chromoblastomycosis in a renal transplant recipient caused by a non-sporulating species of Rhytidhysteron. Med. Mycol. 46: 163-166.  (Impact factor: 2.377; Citation: 28)

151.   Chowdhary A, Randhawa HS, Sharma S, Brandt ME, Kumar S. 2005. Malassezia furfur in a case of onychomycosis: Colonizer or etiologic agent? Med. Mycol. 43: 87-90. (Impact factor: 2.377; Citation: 35)

152.   Singh V, Chowdhary A, Randhawa HS, Sharma S, Chandra J. 2004. Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in a neonate treated successfully with amphotericin B and itraconazole - a case report. J. Mycol. Méd (Paris). 14:129-133. (Impact factor: 1.269; Citation: 01).

National journals

153.   Agarwal K, Chaudhary A, Khanna G, Chowdhary A. 2016. Everything that suppurates is not tuberculosis: disseminated coccidioidomycosis in a non-endemic region misdiagnosed as tuberculosis. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 58:  (Impact factor: 0.376)

154.   Gupta P, Dogra V, Goel N, Chowdhary A, Prasad R, Gaur SN. 2015. An unusual case of pulmonary mass: Actinomycosis. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 57: 177-179. (Impact factor: 0.376; Citation: 03).

155.   Agarwal K, Chowdhary A, Gaur SN. 2012. A rare case of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Indian J Allergy, Asthma Imunnol. 26: 20-24. (Citation: 05).

156.   Capoor RM, Nair D, Deb M, Ramesh V, Khanna G, Rajini, Aggarwal P, Chand R, Chowdhary A, Mussa AY, Randhawa HS. 2007. Endemic occurrence of sporotrichosis in Uttaranchal, India-report of two autochthonous cases.  Indian J Dermatol. 50 (4 Suppl II). S10-S13. (Impact factor: 1.069; Citation: 02).

